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In the Steps of Rees Howells

Monday afternoon (Oct. 9), Julie and Carol drove west from Newport to Swansea on a quest to find the Bible College of Wales, where Rees Howells had founded, not just a Bible School, but a way of life in prayer for a courageous band of prayer warriors and intercessors.

"As we pulled into the car park of Glynderwyn, we were greeted by Mr. Richard Maton, the current Director of the College, and were invited to stay to share dinner with the students and some of the staff.  It was during this time that we asked the elderly people (who had known and prayed with Rees Howells) about what they remembered about him.  'Oh, his personality!', said one lady.  'He taught us the principles of intercession,' said another, and a third woman recounted how she had come to the school as a child, and how Howells had impacted her life from a young age: 'He was unforgettable, really, and he was himself.  He used to eat the jam off the plate with his spoon.'

"The powerful prayer meetings to which Howells called the school were also well remembered.  We were shown around the grounds and visited two rooms in which the W.W.II prayer meetings had been held.  Awed at the virtually unchanged nature of the rooms, we saw where the Howells used to sit or stand to lead in prayer.  Large portraits of Rees Howells and his wife Elizabeth adorned the walls in the "Blue Room".  As I sat in Rees Howells own chair I could imagine the fervent prayer that ascended before God during that fiery conflict.  This was a pilgrimage in the Spirit for me!

For more information about Rees Howells, check out "Rees Howells: Intercessor," a biography by Norman Grubb and published in 1952 by Christian Literature Crusade.  An excellent book and a stirring read for those who are interested in prayer and intercession. Easy reading that will keep your attention.  YMG
"An even rarer privilege allowed Carol and I to visit with Samuel Howells, son of the powerful Welsh Intercessor.  He told us how he had been parted from his parents at the age of three when they sailed for Africa.  A stately-looking yet humble gentleman, Mr. Howells has carried on the work of the school after his father, and it was he who extended the school in its outreach throughout the world.  He is himself an intercessor, having prayed for 21 years for the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the fall of communism.  Mr. Howells confided that he is 88 years old.  As I took his hand in farewell, I voiced a prayer for God's continued blessing on the school and for a new strength and life to come to this godly man, Samuel Howells." Julie

Carol and Julie wish to express their thanks to the Bible College of Wales and to Mr. Richard Maton, who gave them a tour of the Derwen Fawr and Glynderwyn properties, and who shared with them about the people and the history of the Bible College of Wales.


This page was last updated on 26 November 2009.