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Reports from Mission UK 2000 (Week 3 & 4)

During week 3 & 4 (2000/10/19-29), Julie ministered in Sussex and in Wye, Kent.


The International Christian Mission is located in Wye, Kent.  In this town is also an agricultural college which is part of the University of London.  Students come from many countries around the world to study here.  ICM is pastored by Dr. Enoch Rubaduka, a native of Rwanda, East Africa, and ministers to the people of very diverse nationalities on the campus as well as to the English residents of the village.

Julie was part of an international team of ministers which took part in strategic evangelism efforts on the campus and in the town.

"Praise God, they [the people from the communities of Wye and Ashford] came, stayed, and heard the gospel preached and sung so beautifully by Julie Young...  We also witnessed signs and wonders -- a small boy was suffering much with an ear problem, he was crying and asked for prayer from Julie.  One hour later he was running around with the other children and laughing.  When asked if he was better, he just smiled and carried on playing..."

Steve Laidlow,
Leadership Team,
International Christian Mission,
Wye, Kent

"The last two months I was very much distressed, overcome by sadness, and tearful due to the stress at work.  On Sunday Julie prayed for me and the anointing was so powerful I ended up on the floor.  The Lord spoke very clearly to me, and showed me I am in the wrong place at work, that my ministry is to gather in the sheaves of the harvest fields.  He promised me a great anointing when reaching out to people...  The sadness left and I was so much encouraged and at peace...

"I told my boss the following day that I would resign and I told her what God had told me on Sunday.  She was amazed, with little left for her to say.  What can one say when God speaks?, other than Halleluiah!!!

"May God bless Julie and continue to use her in the ministry He has called her to."

Detty Laidlow
Ashford, Kent


This page was last updated on 26 November 2009.