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South Pacific 2002

Vanuatu - In the Place called "Holy Spirit Island"

Fisherman on Santo preparing for a catchOctober 2002

Where is Vanuatu?  Better known to the West as the New Hebrides, Vanuatu was a base of action in World War II for American troops.  Julie and her team traveled 12,000 miles to preach the gospel on Santo among a society which was "Christianized" in appearance but which evidenced little of the light and power of the gospel.  People on the Island of Santo (or, "Holy Spirit Island") needed a fresh presentation of the gospel.  The Lord used Julie to preach to many who had a church background but who were unsaved and unknowing of the simple and life-transforming truths of the gospel.  Religion had to give way to the power of the risen Jesus.

And God put His miraculous touch upon the islands!

The YMG Vanuatu Team: Blue PacificSee these reports

This page was last updated on 26 November 2009.